All the adversity I've had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me... You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you.

Walt Disney

Getting Personal

Taking on a role as a life coach has been something I've considered for some time. While I wouldn't claim to have all the answers, nor could I assure anyone that my way is the only path to success, I can say with conviction that I have confidence in my personal & career decisions and their alignment with my own fulfillment. 

One of the most complex challenges we face in life is discerning our purpose and understanding how to pursue it while maintaining our happiness. This is a question I've grappled with personally and found my own peace in the process.

Over the years, I've served as a mentor to a handful of individuals within my network. These friends (still weird to say mentees) have since ventured out to launch their own businesses, enhance their communication skills, and realign their personal lives. My ultimate goal for them—and for any individual I guide—is to nurture a life characterized by consistent contentment.

I'm ready to extend this guidance to more individuals, offering my mentorship to those who are open to embarking on this journey of self-discovery and growth.

The Focus

Stepping into the realm of life coaching is a new, yet exciting, venture for me. In this journey, I understand the importance of adaptability and co-creation. As such, I am open to collaborating with you to tailor a program that best suits your needs and aspirations. Since you would be among the first clients I am privileged to work with, I want to ensure that what I bring to the table aligns with your objectives.

Please consider the following focal areas that I am passionate about and believe I can provide meaningful guidance in. I encourage you to reflect on whether these areas resonate with your current needs or interests:

  • Our journey together would involve a deep exploration of your daily life and the personal goals you aspire to achieve. Our collaborative work will focus on uncovering your ambitions and charting a path towards their realization. This could encompass a variety of spheres, from career growth and family dynamics to dating and beyond. Honesty and transparency will underpin our work, and I will always be forthright if I feel a certain area is beyond my expertise or ability to provide meaningful support.

  • My experience within the realms of music and entertainment is a frequent point of interest for individuals seeking my coaching. Given the many years I've spent in traditional entertainment, coupled with my journey into the dynamic fields of new media and technology, I understand this intrigue. I've navigated the peaks and valleys of success and failure, gaining valuable insights into both the business facets and the personal impact of the entertainment industry. This understanding positions me to help you navigate the unique challenges and opportunities in these spaces.

  • A significant aspect of my personal journey has been exploring my identity as an Asian American. Gaining a profound understanding of our collective heritage, understanding how our ancestors paved the way, and how that informs our contemporary existence, have all been vital to my self-discovery. This exploration includes immersing myself in historical accounts, enriching my perspective through travel, and cherishing the narratives of others in our community. This coaching focus is dedicated to fellow Asian Americans embarking on a similar journey of identity comprehension.

    Particularly, if you're a male grappling with understanding our shared identity, this path might hold additional resonance for you. In our sessions, we'll delve into these complex themes, working together to foster a deep sense of self-awareness and cultural consciousness.

  • Navigating the realities of being a man in the 21st century, amidst rapid technological advancements and evolving societal norms, requires a thorough understanding and careful balancing of personal and professional life. One aspect I emphasize in my coaching is the significance of mental health for men. Through open and sincere dialogues, I have been privileged to encourage many of my male friends to seek therapy and openly express their emotions.

    I believe in fostering an environment where sensitivity and masculinity are not seen as opposing forces but as complementary aspects of one's identity. As men, acknowledging our feelings and cultivating emotional intelligence is as essential as embodying traditionally 'masculine' traits.

    Specifically, if you are an Asian American male exploring your identity in these changing times, our sessions could offer you a deeper resonance. We will delve into these multifaceted themes, fostering a profound sense of self-awareness and cultural consciousness, and ultimately, bringing balance and wholeness to your life.

  • While the four areas previously mentioned are my primary areas of focus, I am open to exploring other spheres that you might need assistance with. During our initial discovery session, we will have an open discussion about your needs and goals. Honesty and transparency are cornerstones of my coaching approach. If the topic falls outside my area of expertise, I will be straightforward about it. My commitment to you is to provide support and guidance where I can genuinely make a difference.


Get in touch

Thank you for your interest in life coaching! To help me better understand your situation and determine if coaching is a good fit, fill out the information below. Please provide as much detail as possible so that I can gain a clear understanding of your needs. Your privacy and confidentiality will be respected throughout the coaching process. Once I review your submission, I will get back to you to schedule a discovery session (30-60 minute) over Zoom to further discuss your goals and explore how coaching can support you.

Thank you, and I look forward to connecting with you soon.

** please be advise that although i am opening the doors here, it has to make sense for both of us in terms of availability and if I can actually help. I’m very transparent and don’t want to waste your time.